
Magnate Designs

Brandology 101 book cover by Magnate Designs

Welcome to Brandology

A Comprehensive Course on Brand Design for Brand Owners and Graphic Designers

Your Path to Brand Design and Branding Mastery

Are you a graphic design enthusiast looking to dive deeper into the captivating world of branding? Or perhaps you’re a brand owner seeking a comprehensive understanding of what makes your brand truly stand out in the marketplace? Look no further – “Brandology” by Magnate Designs is here to unlock the secrets of graphic design and branding, all in one power-packed course!

We’ve crafted “Brandology” with the aim of bringing the worlds of graphic design and branding closer together. Why, you ask? Because in today’s dynamic business landscape, these two fields are inseparable. We firmly believe that every graphic designer should understand branding, and every brand owner should comprehend the essence of design. Here’s why our course is perfect for you

Are You Prepared to Master the Art of Branding?


Chapter 1
Introduction to Brand Design

Discover the power of design in shaping businesses and learn how a well-crafted brand identity can make all the difference.

Chapter 2
Brand Identity

Master the art of storytelling through visuals and dive deep into the psychology of design to captivate your audience.

Chapter 3
Logo Design

Create memorable logos that leave a lasting impression by learning the secrets of effective logo design.

Chapter 4
Color Theory

Uncover the magic of color psychology and select the perfect palette to evoke emotions and convey your brand's personality.

Chapter 5

Learn how to choose and pair fonts to convey your brand's message effectively and leave a lasting impact.

Chapter 6

Harness the power of imagery to tell compelling brand stories that resonate with your target audience.

Chapter 7
Brand Guidelines

Craft guidelines that ensure consistency and coherence across all brand touchpoints, making your brand voice heard loud and clear.

Chapter 8
Case Studies

Test your knowledge with real-world assignments that challenge your creativity and refine your skills.

For Graphic Design Students

Go Beyond Aesthetics:

"Brandology" doesn't just teach you how to make things look good; it teaches you how to make them feel right. Dive deep into the psychology of design, color theory, and visual storytelling to create designs that resonate with your audience.

Design for Brands:

Discover how your design skills can contribute to building powerful, memorable brands. Understand the nuances of brand identity, logo design, and visual consistency, ensuring your work not only looks amazing but also communicates the essence of the brand effectively.

Expand Your Skill Set:

Beyond traditional graphic design, "Brandology" equips you with branding strategies, marketing insights, and client communication skills, making you a well-rounded design professional.

Are you a Brand Owner?

Here's why this course is beneficial for you

Decode the Design World:

No more mystery behind what your graphic designer is talking about! "Brandology" provides you with the knowledge to communicate effectively with your design team, ensuring your brand vision is translated into visuals flawlessly.


By understanding design principles, you can make informed decisions about your branding and design projects, potentially saving you money by avoiding unnecessary revisions and miscommunications.

Empower Your Brand:

Take control of your brand's destiny. Learn how to create a compelling brand story, choose the right visual elements, and maintain brand consistency across all platforms, enhancing your brand's credibility and recognition.

In Brandology, you'll experience...

  • Engaging Lessons: Our course is designed to be informative, yet fun. We’ve incorporated real-world examples, case studies, and interactive exercises to keep you engaged from start to finish.
  • Expert Guidance: Learn from seasoned industry professionals who have successfully merged the worlds of graphic design and branding. They’ll share their insights, tips, and best practices with you.
  • Practical Application: We believe in learning by doing. “Brandology” includes hands-on assignments and projects that allow you to apply what you’ve learned immediately.

Are you ready to embark on a journey that will transform your perspective on graphic design and branding?  Your future in graphic design and branding excellence begins here!


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